There is green between the grey & I go into the night and take with me...
The publication There is green between the grey (Es ist grün zwischen dem grau) invites the viewer to take a closer look. The work explores the crevice vegetation in urban spaces, illustrating the added value these plants and herbs offer to our ecosystem. From greening cities to creating habitat and food for insects to lowering temperatures in urban areas—these plants play a crucial role. They serve as CO2 storage, promote biodiversity, stabilize the soil and offer protection against heavy rain and erosion. The aim is to give new appreciation to plants that are often dismissed and labeled as weeds. 56 pages, size: 124×180mm.
The atlas I go into the night and take with me... (Ich gehe in die Nacht und nehme mit…) is a register of every item that different people had on their bedside table at a given time. The bedside table reveals a collection of personal artefacts, making it not just a convenient place to store things, but also a visual record of a person’s habits and priorities. The analysis of the objects allows a certain insight into the individual way of life of these people and leaves room for interpretation, understanding and empathy in the context of personal space. 52 pages, DIN A3 (297×420 mm).