Gerstner & Zapf
Joint summer semester project 2016 with Prof. Marion Fink, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland in Basel, University of Design and Art, Institute for Visual Communication
Topic and task:
Reaction on the work, life, etc. of typographer Karl Gerstner (* 1930 in Basel) and type designer Hermann Zapf (+ 2015 in Darmstadt)
10 students from Basel and 10 students from Darmstadt join together to form five mixed groups of 2/2 students (allocation by lottery at Skype kick-off). Together, each group conceives, designs and produces a booklet equivalent to 16 A4 pages. Each group defines its own conceptual and design framework, in which the relationship between typography and image can be freely selected. Working together on site at the Basel University of Applied Sciences or excursion: April 29 – May 1, 2016 (including a visit to the poster collection of the Basel School of Design).
The works were shown in an exhibition from November 30th – December 7th, 2016 at the Faculty of Design Darmstadt
Forget everything!
Felix Schreiber & Constantin Pfeiffer on the attitude of designers based on found imagery and statements by designers from all over the world (newspaper)
A fraction of the universe
Christine Federmann & Jana Matejka
‘Or: find out everything about keys. Write a key encyclopedia. In order to find out via this detour: that in every object, however banal it may be, the whole universe is hidden.’ (from: Gerstner, Karl; ‘Do it yourself art’). This quote was the starting point for our joint magazine ‘A Fraction of Universe’.
Lennard Makosch
A typeface based on both the work of Gerstner and Zapf.
Zero / 0
Leonhard Fuchs
The Self
Maria-Sophie Geisler
A train of thoughts of 60 questions about the self.
Sören Herschel & Manuel Boxhorn
A typeface as a reaction to a comment by Karl Gerstner on the typeface ‘Optima’ by Hermann Zapf: ‘Although it bothers me that all the straight lines are curved.’