Design and subjugate with KI (Entwerfen und Unterwerfen mit AI)
8 day block seminar from 12–19 May 2023 with Mattis Kuhn and Rade Matic. The students created 13 books with a little help from AI & Python & Lulu Publishing. On June 15th there was an exhibition of the results in the faculty garden. The brief was to produce and design content as a reaction to 13 ‘Book Draft Covers‘ which the artist Rosemarie Trockel has created. ‘Since the 1970s, at moments of creative impasse, Rosemarie Trockel has produced some 200 drawings and collages known collectively as ‘Book Drafts’, a series that began as a fruitful way to overcome procrastination. The works usually take the form of a book cover decorated with a title graphic and often accompanied by a drawing, collage, or found photograph or photocopy. The artistic richness of the drafts paradoxically rests precisely in their generic formal characteristics rather than their individuality. Since the designs aren’t intended for publication (indeed, the books do not exist (until now (editorial note)), they should not be understood as studies for future works but rather as proposals that were never intended to be fulfilled (but which we nevertheless fullfilled now anyway within this block seminar).’ (The quote is from a publication excerpt from MoMA Highlights: 375 Works from The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 2019). Below there is a short insight into 6 of the 13 books (each 96 pages strong) and also links to order the books on the print on demand platform Lulu.
A few impressions of the garden exhibition on June 15th and a regular + AI image of our group.