But I recommend a book that you should read once. I’m not telling you the title now.
65 years – books in the German parliament sessions
If you search for the words ‘book’ or ‘books’ in the document archive of the German parliament (Bundestag), you will get 1229 speeches in which books were mentioned between 1949 and 2014. Similar to the Bundestag document archive, the German National Library is the central archive library for all media works in the German language. This book links both archives and gives a deep insight into yesterday’s and today’s topics in the Federal Republic of Germany. The books were searched and photographed manually on site. Readers also get an impression of the visual development of book and graphic design over 65 years. The book has 288 pages, is organized according to legislative periods and received the 2015 sponsorship award (longlist) for young book design from the Stiftung Buchkunst in Frankfurt.