Three winter semester 2023/24 projects:
1 ‘XXI.—Notice on the Megalosaurus or great Fossil Lizard of Stonesfield (Chipping Norton, Little Compton & Longborough)’. This book is an updated reprint and redesign of an original description by William Buckland of the very first scientifically named dinosaur which was published by the Geological Society of London in 1824. It is a small handmade edition of 16 copies of the historic text, including additional knowledge and including illustrations. The book was entirely produced at the faculty workshops (silk screen, digital printer, bookbinding etc.). It is also available at the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek ISBN 978-3-949363-31-3
2 ‘Soft tissue imaging’ (Weichteilaufnahme). This is a reaction to Chapter 19, ‘Questioning design’, question 23: ‘Is a book a four-dimensional object? Should it be seen with x-ray eyes?’ by Norman Potter ‘What is a designer?’, Studio Vista (London) and Van Nostrand Reinhold Company (New York), 1969. Medical compact disc, containing x-ray images of Norman Potters book ‘What is a designer?’ Radiographs/x-rays by Dr. Johannes Berentelg & Alexander Lonsing. CD slim box 135×190 mm.
3 ‘Printed book, T-shirt & napkin’ — these 3 postcards are a reaction to various projects and experiments which his classmates Jennifer Schmitt and Max Mäder were doing as a reaction to the chapter ‘Questioning design’ by Norman Potter in the book ‘What is a designer?’, Studio Vista (London) and Van Nostrand Reinhold Company (New York), 1969.